School Questionnaire Analysis

From my school questionnaire i found that most readers would prefer to pay between 40-80p, most of the people who filled out a questionnaire where in years 12 and thirteen, as i handed most of them out in the common room. Because of this, i attend to create my school magazine aimed at these age groups. I handed abut 5 questionnaires out to people in year 11, who will be attending six form next year. They said they would like a page involving what to expect when they start year 12. Therefore i will include a page 'moving into sixth form'. The results showed they would like the magazine monthly, as weekly is a bit to much and they would not have time to read it. They would rather win Highstreet vouchers or DVDs and would like a page about exam stress. The two most mentioned favourite subjects were Media and sociology. Iv decided with the name S'cool as it makes school seem not boring! other pages iv decided to include after collecting my Questionnaire findings are...

- Dress Code for sixth form
- How to achieve your A*
- Interview with Head Boy& Girl