School Questionnaire

school questionnaire..

How much would you pay for a school magazine?

40p-80p 90p-£1.50 £1.60 +

What academic year are you in?
(year 7/8) (year 9/10) (year 11/12/13)

How often would you buy a school magazine?
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

If your year 10+ what 3 subjects do you do for GCSEs?


if year 11+ what Alevels did you choose?


what's your favourite subject?/The subject you enjoy the most?


what issues would you prefer to be covered?

revision/exam stress Bullying Relationships within school

What would you prefer as a competition prize?
a months free library books High street vouchers DVDs

what would you call a school magazine?


Would you read a page on how to deal with exam stress?

Yes No