Music Magazine analysis

1. What is the name of magazine?

2. Why did you choose it?
i like the music featured in the magazine and i wanted a similar idea for mine. 

3. Is it a magazine / site you regularly read?
i have never purchased a copy of Dj Mag and only discovered it when we started our music research, now that i know about it i would definately consider subscribing. 

4. What is the look or style of the magazine?
The style of each magazine is very 'cool' and up to date. Each front cover is stylish with bright colours and features a famous DJ, posing or with a facial expression suitable for that particular copy. 

5. What kind of music does it usually feature?
the magazine is deticated to Electronic dance music and DJs

6. Who owns the magazine /site?
company - thrust publishing

7. Who is the editor?
Magazine: Ben Murphy
DJMAGTV: David Eserin

8. What other members of staff are involved in making the magazine / site?
9. How much does it cost to purchase / access?
packages you can buy...
what you get:
- 12 issues of DJ Mag mailed to your door
- A quality, free CD with every issue
- 4 free gift CDs
- 1 free CDpool CD (worth £20)
- 10 free Trackitdown tracks
- 1 free subscription to DJ Mag (value £12)
- Dj Mag membership card.
- UK: £38.20 for 12 issues
- UK: £9.95 for 3 issues by Direct Debit
-EU: £62.50
- Rest of the world: £76.80

The magazine is available through newsagents worlwide, via subscription and as an online pdf. Each issue comes with a free CD. 
10. Is there any advertising in the magazine / website? Choose two examples to analyse.

Dj Mags conditions to advertising...
     Advertising Materials
  1. Acceptance of all advertisements is conditional upon the The Client 's warranty that advertisements do not contravene any regulations or provisions of the Law for the time being
  2. DJ Mag reserves the right to refuse, amend, withdraw or otherwise deal with all advertisements submitted to him at his discretion and without explanation
  3. Advertising does not guarantee editorial!
  4. Advertising does not guarantee a listing!
  5. DJ Mag may cancel or postpone publication
  6. Whilst every care is taken to avoid errors DJ Mag cannot accept claims for errors.
  7. Any omission by DJ Mag is not actionable. There is no value to the benefit gained from placing an advert
  8. If DJ Mag is providing artwork services for the Client a proof maybe submitted to the Client as a matter of courtesy not as of right. Non return of any proof within 48 hours is deemed to be unconditional acceptance by the Client of the proof. DJ Mag hates providing artwork services and you are advised to get a professional designer to do it on your behalf.

11. How many ads / pages? 
the magazine has about 100 pages, including stories from artists, latest news, features, fashion, club, competition, DJ weekly.

12. What products or services are being advertised? Why do they suit the magazine or website?  all adverts are for events or festivals, dates of gigs, in the one i read through online, there were adverts for 'zoo project festival' 'Hideout festival' 'Chrome alone' - headphones.

13. What does their website include?
the website includes....
News, Music, a guide on Ibiza & miami, a shop to buy latest merchandise and all the latest issues of DJ Mag and a DJTV youtube account, that promotes all the latest music experiences..  this is a link promoting the 'groove cruise'

14. What do you like best about this magazine / site?
the magazine is so exciting!  everything involved is positive

15. What would you change about it?
it should be easier to purchase and sold in more shops, i have never seen it when out shopping. 

16. How often is the magazine published and how much does it cost?
monthly - UK: £38.20 for 12 issues

17. Who is the institution that publishes this magazine? Do they publish other magazines? Is it a mass media institution or an independent?
Thrust publishing - 

18. Who is the target audience and how do you know? Look at adverts and articles as well as the front cover. Also look to see if they have a press pack on the website describing their audience.
19. Front cover analysis (see slideshare example)
20. Contents page – layout, images, what are all the different elements included in the contents page?
21. Double page spread – layout, images, text – denotations and connotations