Double page spread analysis

these double page spreads, are both taken from the same music magazine DJ mag, both use various techniques to attract the audience and i think you can tell there both featured in the same magazine, although they are very different.

-this double page spread is informing the reader of a new DJ, who is 'set to really break through into the big time'
by using this in the short introduction paragraph, the reader straight away wants to read on and find out the latest news

- there are only three colours used throughout the double page, yellow, white and black. The yellow highlighted parts matching the image of the lemon, this is really effective and isnt to over the top.

- The image of the palm of the hand holding the lemon, almost suggests the reader is in the palm of their hand and of course the Djs name is 'lemonscent' so using the lemon is relevant.

- The double page is split exactly in two, with one side used for all the text and the other side the large image, this is quite common for a double page spread, as sometimes to much text can be abit overwhelming for a reader, therefore they won't read the full story.

- The lemon used in the image is covering the Djs face, it makes him seem mysterious and the reader will want to find out more about this man!

- Just two words are highlighted 'Brilliant' and 'Disilusioned' these two words are complete oppositing, as disilusion means to be dissapointed. In a way this is confusing to the reader again they will want to read on and find out.

the second article is an interview with a well known Dj.
- Again the page has been divided into two. for text and image

-the image shows the Dj whos name is Joris voorn, in a red armchair, it is a long shot with His facial expression being quite mysterious with his eyes directed straight at you. This draws the attention of the reader and convinces you to read on

- The red armchair follows the colours used, red, black and white. Again simple and not over the top. (professional)

- the questions are in a bolder font than the answers, this is common with a magazine interview. we straight away look at what they will be asking.

- there is smaller image of Joris Voorn displayed at the bottom of the article, it shows him in action. The reader likes to see proof of his hard work

- A quote is shown on the Large image of the Dj, it states 'i don't understand Djs who don't dance. I don't know how they feel the music' it is written in white text and stands out amongst the image, this would be one of the first things the reader will notice and leaves you wanting to read more. It is quite a catchy saying.

Other double page spreads from various music magazines showing a similar layout....