magazine comparison

Colour - the marieclaire magazine cover, uses a house style throughout that includes 3 main colours, blue, grey & black. The text, background and the outfit on the model Beyonce all follow this housestyle. Again the cover of Denver, only uses 3 colours, but because the cover is basic, they are only used a couple of times. The background of marieclaire is white, making everything else really stand out.                       
Design - Beyonce is covering up part of the name of the magazine, this is because Marieclaire is so well known that readers will know what magazine it is anyway, this adds importance. Also using Beyonce as the cover girl, will automatically grab attention as she is such an admired person. There is alot of text and alot of varied sizes, '317 SEXY LOOKS' is the biggest font and overlaps onto beyonce's dress, almost telling the reader that by purchasing their magazine, they could be as 'sexy' as beyonce. Denvers front cover, is much simpler and is an easier read, There are only two colours used, they are quite serious colours which is suitable as it is a business magazine. Again the font overlaps onto the mans suit, but doesnt take away importance from the man.
Images -  Both magazine covers only feauture one image, taking up mostly the whole page. This is very common, they both match their target audience. Beyonce - because it is a female audience, everyone admires her and she is shown in a very fashionable way which is what the magazine represents. The man on the front of Denvor, is pictured  in a very sophisiticated suit and the image is slightly low angle, it gives him a sense of power. Marieclaires background is plain white, so that no attention is stolen from Beyonce and Denvors background is of a city workplace. ''for life in the mile high city''
Pose, Style, Hair, Makeup - Beyonces hair & makeup all looks very natural and beautiful, this catches our attentions, we as readers want this for ourselves. 'YOUR BEST SKIN' overlaps onto Beyonces arm, again showing that this is all possible. A big smile is shown on her face and her dress is very up to date and fashionable.
Compostiton and framing - Both the images on the two magazines are mid shots, The man on denvor is shown at a slight low angle.
Written codes - following the magazine cover conventions, both titles are situated at the top in the centre, they both follow the colours of their housestyles. The main things on both covers use a bigger font. On denvor the font is white and overlaps onto the mans black suit, this makes it stand out, even though the font is of quite a small size.
Language - The language for both is suitable for their target audiences, Marieclaire uses female language ''get the beach body to match'' and no formal language is used, giving the magazine more of a mass audience, a good selling point as every female will feel like they can buy it. Denvors front cover doesnt feature large amounts of text, but what is written is fairly formal, again suited for the audience, as we know it is a magazine aimed at ''life in the mile high city''.

My overall impression of the covers are that i can unserstand why they are both big sellers, although MarieClaire is more well known, they both suit their audiences and straight away catch our attention with whats written.